Boarder's Tack Room Project...

It has been brought to our attention that the Boarder's Tack Room is overflowing with unlabeled and unused tack.  Upon closer inspection we have also found feed and miscellaneous tubs of everything from saddle pads to blankets, sheets and various bathing and grooming and riding equipment, not to mention dirt and cobwebs.

We have not had any "written" rules about the utilization of the this tack room but we believe it is time to implement a "standard" that will be published and everyone will be aware of.  With so much unlabeled clutter and obviously unused "stuff" it's time for a serious clean up and organization day.  PLEASE make sure all cabinets, tack trunks, cubbies, bridle racks, rubber tubs, buckets are labeled with your name by October 5, 2015.  ALL UNLABELED STUFF AND STORAGE CONTAINERS WILL BE REMOVED (either donated to the lesson program, a therapeutic riding facility or the dumpster) after October 5, 2015.  All boarders are allowed ONE CABINET OR STORAGE TRUNK, ONE BRIDLE HOOK, ONE CUBBIE AND ONE LOCKER.  If you require extra storage beyond that please notify us via email, by October 5, 2015.

FEED of any kind, treats or any edibles are NOT TO BE STORED in the tack room!  We have had rats in the past and worked diligently to evict them, not to mention plenty of mice!  With all of our cats and dogs running around please be reminded to NOT put any poison of any kind in the tack room or barn in general. 

Thank you!